Friday, May 16, 2008

More ways to find keywords

Wordtracker has a number of other search tools available (although I use mainly the ones I discuss earlier in the chapter):
_ Full Search: Wordtracker returns similar terms in the same conceptual ballpark (a very large ballpark, though).
_ Simple Search: You can dump a bunch of keyword phrases into a text box to find actual search terms that include those keywords. For example, rat turns up rat terrier, pet rats, naked mole rat, and so on.
_ Exact/Precise Search: This is a mixture of several tools, including the Exact Search, the Compressed Exact Search, and the Precise Search.
_ Compressed Search: This is useful for finding plurals and singulars of words from a single list.
_ Comprehensive Search: You can dig out a few useful related terms mixed in with a large number of unrelated terms.
_ Misspelling Search: This is a good way to find common misspellings of your keywords.


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